Meryl Rosenthal, Robin Roschke, Karol Rose and Stephen Tafaro are having a webinar on ‘Homeward Bound – How Organizations are Supporting an At – Home Workforce’.
According to Meryl, Robin, Karol and Stephen, this webinar will focus on the latest trends and how best-in-class organizations use their Workforce Management Systems to support and manage a flexible workforce.
As per Meryl, Robin, Karol and Stephen, the webinar will teach the following:
-Create the business case for remote workers for your organization
-Offer opportunities to provide greater workforce flexibility, providing improved productivity, greater employee satisfaction and increased retention rates of skilled labor
-Bring enterprise-class applications to untethered workers rather than requiring them to be at the company's offices to access enterprise applications
Webinar Details:
Key Persons:
Meryl Rosenthal, Robin Roschke, Karol Rose and Stephen TafaroWebinar Topic:
Homeward Bound - How Organizations Are Supporting an At-Home WorkforceDate and Time:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 1.00 P.M. EST.
Register at: